Exploring the deepest secrets and hidden truths of the lost masterpiece, Requiem. Navigate through the sections below to discover what was never meant to be found...
Requiem was a groundbreaking survival horror game that vanished before its time. What Reality Forge Studios didn't want you to know was that this game was more than just a project—it was an obsession. In these pages, you'll find the stories and mysteries that Reality Forge tried to erase...
Key Features:
A glimpse into the mind of the beta tester who unearthed the lost fragments of Requiem. Follow along as he descends into madness, trying to piece together the truth behind the game that should never have been...
Day 1: Found the first hidden room. It wasn’t what I expected...
Day 15: The voices are getting louder. I can’t tell what’s real anymore...
Fan interpretations of the characters and settings from Requiem. Some of these images were never meant to see the light of day...
Have your own theories or want to share your Requiem experience? Reach out at: artsyfartsyholdings@gmail.com